Captain Tom Ottenwaelder
Captain Tom “TommyO” Ottenwaelder retired from the US Coast Guard after 29 years on active duty serving as a commercial vessel Marine Inspector; rescue boat Coxswain (driver); qualified Marine Safety Instructor; Assistant Chief of the National Search & Rescue School; and Maritime Safety Administrator. After retiring in 2019, he worked as a private boat instructor and in recreational boat sales and pre-owned brokerage with Chesapeake Whalertowne in Annapolis. He holds a USCG 100-Tom Master license and is a certified Instructor with the National Safe Boating Council. He recently completed the Chapman School of Seamanship’s six-week Yacht & Small Craft Surveying course and became American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) certified and a member of the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (Surveyor Associate) in 2023.